Dear Parents and Carers
Consultation on joining the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust.
You may be aware that the Government had in its ‘White Paper’ originally stated the aim that all schools should be part of, or in the process of joining, strong multi-academy trusts by the year 2030. The Schools Bill, which was intended to implement the White Paper, has now been abandoned on the whole but the government has confirmed it remains committed to the objectives outlined in the White Paper and will continue to progress academy plans as much as it can without legislation.
The governors and I have been discussing this potential scenario for some time now, and we want to make the right decision for our school and our community, particularly in light of falling population numbers in the area and the importance of ensuring our school remains sustainable.
We feel that it is imperative that the school is part of a strong group of schools where there is the opportunity to learn from each other with sufficient support and challenge to enable our school to continue to grow and develop. However, we also want to ensure that we retain our unique ethos and curriculum and our close partnership working with our church community with continued input and control over these decisions at a local level.
As a church school, we are already closely aligned to the Diocese of Durham and have always received excellent support from them and would continue to be able to access this as an academy. An opportunity has arisen to join the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust multi-academy trust (the ‘DNDLT’) and, having visited schools within the trust and talked to other heads, the governors and I are interested in exploring this further. We feel that joining this Trust would give us the opportunity to benefit from effective support and wider networks but will still enable us to work in close partnership with our local community and school neighbours. Seventeen other Church of England Primary schools are already part of the DNDLT and three more are due to join. The DNDLT is experienced in working with several small rural primary schools.
The DNDLT schools include Ingleton CE Primary which is very nearby and being part of the same Trust would enable increased partnership working. There are also several other DNDLT schools which are geographically close to our school. There is more information on the DNDLT on its website at
However, before making any decisions, we need to know what you think and what questions you might have. I am attaching an FAQ document which explains some more about this proposal.
So, we would like to invite you all to a discussion meeting on 6th February at 4.45pm in school.Representatives from the school and from the DNDLT will be at the meeting so you can discuss any queries you may have and hear more about the proposal. The purpose of the meeting is to gather your thoughts and views on the possible future direction of the school before governors make a final decision about whether to proceed.
We want and value your feedback and would urge you to attend the discussion meeting and/or complete the attached feedback form which we request that you complete and return to us, this discussion period will continue until 26th February so please ensure you submit any responses before then. As we expect the meeting to be popular, could you please respond to the operoo message we will be sending out – stating if you are planning to attend so that we can get a feel for numbers.
We are passionate about ensuring Gainford CE Primary School and Preschool is in the best possible position moving forward. We want and value your feedback and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this initial discussion meeting
Mrs C Riley
Head Teacher
Consultation Response form 22.01.2024